ETA Thanks for sharing al your great traditions. They were so much fun to read.
Here is the winner
Erin said...
All the girls in our family go shopping for new Christmas ornaments the day after Thanksgiving. We have lunch out while we're shopping.
October 16, 2008 7:30 AM
Erin email me your address at shanbrouwer@gmail.com and I will get your information to Tammy for the prize.
Sorry it has been quite around here...seems like I am always late to the party!
Time just has a way of getting away from me :)
Speaking of time, I was in Target yesterday and they had CHRISTMAS stuff out! Yes, Christmas! I was amazed. I do have to say I love this time of year. The Holiday season always brings me such joy. As I started thinking about the holidays and family time I started thinking of traditions. We have a few in our family that we do around Christmas time. One of our Christmas traditions is that the year that our children learn to read we buy them their very own Bible for Christmas and they get to help read the Christmas story on Christmas eve to the entire family - it is so fun to watch how much it means to them.
I would love to hear what traditions you have. They can be any traditions, not just holiday ones. I will post a layout latter about one of our non-holiday tradtions.
Post here to be entered into a drawling for a fun prize (The picture of it is above). You have until Friday at midnight to post. I will draw a winner on Sat. morning.
All prizes given away on our ScrapRoom Blog will ship out with our next monthly mailing. If you are a ScrapRoom Café Club member, then your prize will ship along with your next monthly kit shipment. If you are NOT a ScrapRoom member receiving our monthly kits, you are still eligible to win a prize, but you will be responsible for actual shipping charges.
We enjoy some of our favorite holiday traditions on Christmas Eve. We attend church in the evening, then we stop for warm drinks, and drive around looking at Christmas lights. When we are tired of that, we head home and open one gift each. It's always new pajamas, of course! I love this peaceful family time right before all the wonderful chaos of Christmas morning.
ReplyDeleteA Christmas tradition we have is taking DGD Kaylee to see the festive lights at 2 of our area parks. They really do it up big and I love seeing the sparkle in her eyes. Now, the other grandkids are getting old enough to go too! :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little my Mom gave us a new Christmas ornament each year that represented something special about our life that year (a milestone, trip, new experience etc...whatever stands out the most from the previous year). When we decorated the tree each year, we told the stories behind the ornaments and remembered those specials events. When I moved away from home, all of my ornaments came with me and I began to tell those stories to my husband and eventually my children. Now I give my girls each a new ornament that represents something special to them for the previous year. The night we decorate the tree they receive these new ornaments and we talk about how special they are...it is one of my favorite traditions.
ReplyDeleteWe get a new family ornament every year. We have gotten one for every year that my dh and I have been together(including dating) which will be 12 this year.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
My favorite Christmas tradition is when my Dad reads the story of Christ's birth from the Bible before we open presents. We always start off with breakfast, reading the Bible, then praying together as a family before we tear into presents. Keeps us focused on what the holiday is really about. :)
ReplyDeleteWe have a weekly tradition of having cinnamon rolls on Sunday morning before church.Nothing fancy, just the kind that you pop out of the refrigerated can and bake. It is an easy, special treat to encourage everyone to get moving for church. My mom always had these when I was a kid too. Now I am realizing I've never scrapped this every week tradition!
ReplyDeleteMy whole extended family's main Christmas celebration has always been on Christmas Eve. We have a big dinner, starting with bowls of rice mush made with milk (doesn't sound great if you didn't grow up with it, but YUM). The younger kids often just have that for dinner, but most everyone else goes on to have a feast, with present-opening afterward. I also loved having the mush cold the next morning for breakfast with lots of cinnamon and sugar.
ReplyDeleteI'm living in FRance and don't have real traditions for Christmas. Maybe except the fact that we allways have a little gift hidden under our table napkin, in our plate before dinner. Only a real small and not expensive gift, like ornaments or a few chocolates. It's allways a big surprise! ;-)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tradition this time of year is when we put the tree up and decorate it. The girls love to put their own spin on where the ornaments should go. Each one tells a story - some came from Christmas presents before, some came from my children's or my own childhood crafty hands, some came from their grandparents as special keepsakes. We love to remember all of that as we turn out the most beautiful spectacle of a Christmas tree. ~ emilyt
ReplyDeleteWe always have a snack dinner on Christmas Eve. This way family can eat when they want. We make dips, ham, meatballs, cold cuts and more. Then, my mom and I work on chopping the veggies for her dressing (stuffing) for Christmas dinner.
ReplyDeleteFor my little one, we buy him a special pjs to wear on Christmas eve and morning.
When I was little, we celebrated Christmas mostly on the Eve of Christmas. I loved it. DH doesn't seem to have any interest in that & actually, we are rarely ready then. :-) But, we go to church & read from Luke.
ReplyDeleteOur biggest Christmas tradition is a new ornament for each of my boys each year. DH really doesn't 'get it', but he does make an effort. When DS #2 was born (Dec 13) he had packed into the hospital bag a baby's first Christmas ornament I didn't know about and gave it to me. Maybe he does 'get it', but is just trying to be cool.
ReplyDeleteI really like the games we play when we get together with the extended family. Usually results in a little blood shed and lots of laughs.
ReplyDeleteWe also drive around to enjoy the xmas lights that our little town displays. I've been doing that since I was a kid.
We enjoy picking out a new family Christmas ornament every year, along with ornaments for the kids. I also love to put the tree up every year and have my kids remember previous year's memories when they hang their ornaments!
ReplyDeleteOn Christmas Eve, we have our great dinner that I've been cooking the past couple of years. After that, we go to the midnight mass and rush home to open presents! So much fun!
ReplyDeleteOne tradition we have every year is the day after Thanksgiving our family gets out the Christmas tree and we all put it up with all the decorations. The kids love listening to Christmas music as we hang the ornaments.
ReplyDeleteChristmas Eve is my favorite...we go to my grandparents for dinner and presents, then Santa makes a "surprise" visit every year. After the party, we go to the 11pm Christmas Eve service at church. The service ends at midnight and its always fun to walk outside while the church bells are ringing and everyone wishing Merry Christmas to each other.
ReplyDeleteChristmas Eve...going to 11pm church service and getting out at midnight - Christmas Day! Everyone is in such a festive mood.
ReplyDeleteSundaes on Sundays is one of our favorite family traditions. On Sunday afternoon we get the car washed and clean out the interior. I also clean out the fridge as our trash goes out Monday morning. If we get those things done we have sundaes, either at home or at a restaurant.
ReplyDeleteIt's something we all look forward to and our car has never been cleaner.
One of our holiday traditions is a neighborhood block party...every family brings a dish to pass and we play games from noon to 8PM. We have so much fun!
ReplyDeleteWe enjoy our favorite family tradition on Christmas Eve by having hot chocolate and reading Twas the Night Before Christmas book that was hand made by Grandma Cilla.
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful holiday traditions each of you shared. It actually made me a bit sad to realize that any traditions that we had for holidays seem to have gone away for the past couple of years since my only child is now a teenager, he thinks those little, sweet things that I wanna do like that is silly. However, it's not a holiday tradition but an event that has become a tradition with us is for the past 3 years there's a Christian concert (between 6 to top Christian performers) that comes through a town about an hour away. So as soon as we get the dates of it, hubby puts in for a day off at work and we book a hotel room. My son goes to school the day of the concert but as soon as he's out, we hop in the car, stop at drive-thru for early dinner and head up to the concert. Hubby drops me off to get in line so we'll be near the front while he goes and checks us in at the hotel. The next day, son is allowed to miss school and we go to a movie at a really nice theater there (leather recliners) and then for a nice lunch before heading back home. We look forward to this each year so of course, we're already planning for next year, lol! I know this sounds like such a silly tradition but it still something that my son enjoys!
ReplyDeleteWe have a tradition of going for coffee at least twice a week at the beach!
ReplyDeleteI live for photo's that's why scrapbooking fits in so well with our family traditions. Every year we take a picture in front of our tree. It is fun to look back and see how much the kids are changing each year. We also do this around Halloween too at our local pumpkin patch.
All the girls in our family go shopping for new Christmas ornaments the day after Thanksgiving. We have lunch out while we're shopping.
ReplyDeleteI love traditions! We have several at Christmas time. My favorite is probably making Christmas cookies. It's something my husband did as a child, but I didn't. So we use his mother's recipe and make home-made sugar cookie dough that my girls can roll out and cut into their favorite Christmas shapes. We often make a party of it and invite friends over to share in the fun of decorating, baking and of course, eating! Yum!
we have a few and simple ones . we visit our grandmas christmas eves.ecorating the tree as a family . a big breakfast and early rise.
ReplyDeleteOne of our Christmas traditions is going and getting a live tree together and then decorating it. We always have hot chocolate after we come in with our new tree. The kids also spend a lot of time running around the tree lot looking for the right tree.
My son and I love to go to midnight mass on Christmas Eve. Our new tradition is to take the whole family skiing the day after Christmas.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Holiday tradition is on Christmas morning we get together for brunch, opening gifts all while wearing our pj's and TOE SOCKS!!! And each year, its socks & undies in the stocking, no matter how old you are! =)
ReplyDeleteEvery year my godmother gives me a godchild ornament even though I'm no longer a child. Every year I place them on the tree and am reminded of all the wonderful christmas memories thru the years.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tradition is decorating holiday cookies. The men in my family (brother, BIL, DH, and Dad) have gotten very competitive in this one. Complete with Gingerbread boys wearing eyeglasses, pocket protectors, etc. Crazy fun stuff!
ReplyDeleteMy family Traditions are we all decorate the tree together w/homemade cookies & eggnogs. We also always go to Mickeys Christmas parade every year.