It's a new quarter at The ScrapRoom, and that means a changing of the Mods on our Message Board. I'm sure you've noticed Janine's challenges and Gab's Question of the Day by now - so let's meet our new Mods and get to know them even better!
Janine |
Gab: "I'd love to say I'm the younger, better looking, skinnier woman standing in the photo - but I'm not!! I'm the one sitting down!" (But I think since she's the one getting the present, she's really better off. LOL) |
Part of the fun part of welcoming a new Mod Squad to TSR is getting to interview them. Here's what Gab and Janine had to say over a (virtual) cup of coffee with me:
So, how did you two get started in scrapbooking?
Janine: I start scrapbooking fervently once my first child was born. I took so many pictures and wanted to document their stories. A friend introduced me to Creative Memories and I used their products exclusively for 6-7 years. I have over a dozen albums completed from that time. However, I became bored with their products, and started seeking out new ways to tell my stories. That is when I found TSR. Now, my paper driven interest has moved into also being a creative design outlet for me.
Gab: I'm not really sure how I first heard about scrapbooking. I've always done crafts and always liked stationery - when I was little I wanted to own a newsagent which is a shop that sells newspapers and magazines and stationery and Lotto tickets and things like that. I get a craft shopping magazine once a quarter, and in it there was a "Hot off the Press" book on scrapbooking - I ordered it and devoured it. At that time I was living in Hong Kong and there wasn't really any scrapbooking shops. A friend of mine had just had a baby and her mothers' group was doing an introductory scrapbooking session - it was Creative Memories. So I went along and got hooked. Soon I was buying stuff online. And I bought magazines. One day I was on the ferry reading PaperKuts magazine (don't know if anyone will remember them?) and bumped into a friend that I only knew slightly. She was reading Creating Keepsakes. So we got talking and got to know each other better and eventually opened up a business together selling scrapbooking supplies and running classes.
Wow, Gab! So you must have some favorite paper lines after being immersed in a business like that, huh?
Hmm, favourites is always a problem for me as I can never narrow it down! When I first got started in scrapbooking hands down my favourite manufacturer was Making Memories. That was before they even did paper. They had rub-ons (I still have some!), and frames and just cute embellishments. Then for a few years my fave was KI Memories. Then I fell in love with Chatterbox - they were one of the first companies my friend and I opened an account with. Then I discovered Scenic Route and Basic Grey. I was very sad when CBX and SR stopped manufacturing. Now days it's probably a tie between October Afternoon, Basic Grey, and Jillibean Soup.
How about you, Janine?
- My Mind's Eye - classic and beautiful papers
- Basic Grey - same reason - it's all about beautiful paper, isn't it?
- American Crafts - what would I do without their alphabets
- Following in fourth place is a three way tie: Fancy Pants, Lily Bee and Pink Paislee because they consistently put out lines that stand out among my favorites.
Alright, Janine... I challenge you to tell us 5 random facts about yourself.
- I am a one-handed scrapper.
- I have relentless determination to accomplish tasks that I find worthy and desirable.
- My favorite foods are lasagna, anything super spicy and Godiva truffles.
- I once tried to race a police car at 1:00 in the morning when I thought it was a friend on the road coming up behind me.
- I'm a certified scuba diver.
Whoa! Alright, I'm coming over to dinner sometime. *grins* And finally, Gab, what is your desk trying to say to you right now?
OMG my poor desk! I'm not really a tidy person and the biggest disadvantage of having my own scrap room is also the biggest advantage - the fact that I can close the door!! I very rarely have even 12" of space on my desk so I know it would be shouting at me to put some stuff away! I'm actually in the process of sorting and purging and deciding what scrappy goodies to take to Hong Kong as we move back there on 10 Jan.
And we've gotten the update from Gab since this interview that not only did they make it just fine to Hong Kong, but ALL their luggage did, too! Here's hoping for some scrappy happiness for you in Hong Kong again, Gab!
Both Janine and Gab have a favorite layout to share with you. Enjoy, and stop by and say hello the next time you are on the Message Board!
"Teddy Bear Picnic" by Gab |
"He Did It Just For You" by Janine |
- Theresa/Savi
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