Take the Clip-It-Up. Wonderful concept, really. All your drool-worthy scrapbook products displayed at your fingertips in an organized manner. I even priced this product. If I purchased the base unit, then the smaller top rack, the clips, and maybe even a pack or two of the plastic sleeves for some of my smaller things, we're talking well over $100. No way, not for me! So I turned to the internet. Google is like the best invention ever! I simply searched on homemade Clip-It-Ups and voila! Tons of hits. And some really creative, budget-friendly ideas!
But with every homemade project, I think you need to make it work for you. In my case, I don't have a lot of counterspace, so the stand idea doesn't really work. But I do have this area between the underside of my cabinets and the ledge in my room. It seems like it's almost unusable space, but those are the areas where you can get really creative!
One evening, while working on the computer, I was looking at the space, and the idea just came to me! The next day, I rushed out to the hardware store and Home Depot. For around $2.50 - $5.00 you can purchase a 3/16" x 48" metal rod (like a dowel rod, but metal). Like this: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3032/2432630011_85cd7de857.jpg NOTE: The 1/4" rod will also work, it's thicker and will be sturdier, but too wide for the clips to hook on. You'd have to slide them on from the end each time you wanted to add a clip.
I'm still debating whether we will drill out a "cradle" on the underside of the cabinet (there is about a 1" lip there) for the rod to set in, or if I will just use screw hooks like this: http://www.mutualscrew.com/subcategories.php?pid=3502 If I go the way of the screw hook, I will need to devise a "stopper" of some sort for the end of the rod, so that my product doesn't slide off the ends. Also, we may need to saw the metal rod to fit the space.
As for the clips, I 've seen a number of ideas on the internet, from safety pins and paper clips with washers, but I like the original clips from Clip-It-Up. Archivers sells a package of 25 clips for $6.99. However, one of the ladies who made her own, found the same exact clip at Joann's (a package of 21 clips for $3.99)! See here: http://www.joann.com/joann/catalog.jsp?CATID=cat1937&PRODID=prd53257&source=search/
I believe I can make this entire project for under $20! And that just makes me smile! :) I will be sure to post pictures of my finished project as soon as we get to it (it's #964 on the mile-long to-do list ;))
Please feel free to post your ideas for any budget-friendly scrapbook projects!
Thanks for sharing this creative way of making your own hanging storage unit. I am going to be watching to hear all the finishing details on this one. Appreciate the links to the pictures of all the parts you plan on using for this project. Now I know what I can do in my small scrap space.
ReplyDeleteI saw something like this a while ago on the net that used a square metal pole with holes predrilled in it. They put the clips right into the holes. I don't live in the states, but wonder if they are expensive. It looks like some sort of pole that you use to assemble utility shelves. Just an idea for others. I'll look for it again, and hopefully I'll have a picture to better explain things.
ReplyDeleteI found it.
ReplyDeleteHere it is:
What a coincidence. I totally agree with you about the price on the Clip-It-Up. I bought round curtain rods small enough for the clips to fit on with just a little tweak. I think I have purchased 3 packages of the CIU clips at 20% off. I also have Karen Foster Peg Boards with Pegs, so between the two I can really organize. I own way too many supplies, so I ended up buying a larger diameter curtain rod, hanging it about 60" long (after painting it black) then using some hooks I already had. But I do have some of those squeeze brass colored curtain clips. I think I finally have enough hanging space. One thing you want to think about is how far down will your embellies hang. You need to gauge that before hanging the rod. Best of luck. Thanks for reading my novella. lol