Ahhh, December. For me, it's the craziest, most hectic month of the year, but it's almost one of my favorite months of the year. Christmas has always been my most favorite holiday! I am so thankful for parents who taught me the
real meaning of Christmas and what it is truly about.
Yes, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of buying presents, going to all the holiday parties, and all of the other stuff that comes with this month...but please don't forget this season's true meaning. A gift was given to the world that we could never, ever repay...a gift that we didn't even deserve...but it was freely given to us anyway. My favorite family tradition celebrates this gift!
Every Christmas morning for as long as I can remember, my precious dad reads about the birth of Jesus from the Bible and then we pray together as a family before we open presents.
This tradition is so near and dear to my heart. The way we have to get everyone all settled in the living room and gathered around my dad before he starts reading. The wonder and amazement on my kids' faces as they hear the Bible story. The way dad's voice always waivers a bit whenever he starts praying. The way
EVERYONE in the room ends up in tears of thankfulness and gratitude by the end of the story and prayer. The gift of love that was given to us so many years ago through the birth of Jesus is so evident in my family. To me, that is exactly what Christmas is all about. ;)
Merry Christmas!