The last week in 2010 also marks the last week of The ScrapRoom's Weekly Challenges here on the Blog. We've been issuing weekly challenges for more than a year now, and it's time to switch gears and do something new and different for awhile. And, as luck would have it, we do have something new and different planned for our blog readers in 2011! You'll want to keep Monday mornings marked on your calendars and continue with your weekly Monday Morning ScrapRoom Blog checks. We'll have all of the details for you right here on Monday, January 3rd!
THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: As a final weekly blog challenge and to continue to celebrate this most celebration-filled time of year, your challenge this week is to create a "Celebration" themed layout. You can do a layout that about a Holiday celebration or a birthday celebration or a layout that celebrates the life of someone you love. Let's just spend some scrappin' time celebrating something good in our lives this week! Upload your layout (along with your real life name) and a note about which layout you scraplifted to the
WEEK #52 CHALLENGE FOLDER. All layouts must be uploaded by 9:00 a.m. CST on Monday, January 3rd.
Below are a few layouts from our December Idea Gallery that mark some people and events worth CELEBRATING in the lives of our Baristas! These should get your creative juices flowing!
By Barista, Jenny Moore:

By Barista, Melanie Call:

By Guest Designer, Frances Sylvia:

By Lan Amphone:

And this colorful layout that Celebrates Brenda's daughter, Emma:
By Barista, Brenda Carpenter:

THE PRIZE: We've got one more Christmas-theme BoBunny paper pack up for grabs this week. The lucky winner will receive BoBunny's (2) recently released Holiday paper collections - WINTER JOY and NOEL!

CHALLENGE RULES:There are only 2 rules if you want to enter a weekly challenge:
1.) Your submission has to be a new layout created for this challenge. :) You're on your honor here, but the idea of a Weekly Challenge is to finish new layouts and not simply upload old layouts. :) (Your actual layouts can be done in any size - 12x12, 8.5x11, 8x8... whichever size you scrapbook in!)
2.) Please only submit one time for each weekly challenge! (You will need to be registered on our message board to upload your layout to the Challenge Folder gallery. Registration just requires that we confirm your e-mail address so we know you're not a spammer. :) (In order to upload layouts to our gallery, you will need to be sure to resize layouts to no larger than 500x500 pixels and 72-75 dpi. If you're file size is much larger than that, you'll get an error message when attempting to upload. :) )