
Monday, December 17, 2012

Photo Assignment: Favorite Decoration

It's the holiday season... and so many of us have treasures big and small that we display for our loved ones to enjoy.  Regardless of the actual cost of these decorations, we know they are actually priceless.  Sometimes, the "cheaper" they are, the more dear they become... and it's because of the story behind them.

Go ahead.  Try to talk to someone about your favorite decorations or traditions this time of year... and not explain why, or give more details, or share how it came to be.  Just try it.  Bet you can't!  It's because we're shameless storytellers, and that's just fine.  In fact, it's awesome.  So take a look around.  And take a picture of your favorite and record the story behind it like we did!

Aphra says:  "This is one I made with my Cricut and the Ribbons and Rosettes cartridge."
Theresa says:  "My dad carved and painted this nativity... I leave it up year round."
Melanie says:  "My favorite ornament is the one that my son (and I) made last year in Sunday School...okay he did have A LOT of help since a glue gun was involved!"
Jenny says:  "I don't really have a favorite ornament because they all have a special meaning to me, but as I walked past my Christmas tree today, this one kept standing out to me. Like most Americans, my heart is heavy and saddened due to recent events in Connecticut. This ornament stopped me in my tracks and reminded me to pray PEACE over the victims and their families."
Beth says:  "It was a very difficult choice but I'd have to say this is my favorite ornament because it reminds me of my childhood."
Brenda says:  "This is an old ornament that was from my husband's childhood. I just think it is so cute!"
These types of photos are a great addition to your Project Life, Month-in-Review, or calendar pages.  You may even be inspired to take more than one photo and make a layout about your family's treasures.  Feel free to share your photos, too - we all love ideas! 

- Theresa/"Savi"


  1. so so so true. thanks for sharing your photos and simple stories

  2. My kids bring home goodies during the last week of school, which I love. I posted a pic of just a few from Luke.
