
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Scrappin' The "Stash" Challenge, Day 2

If you missed yesterday's post, I shared about my own personal challenge to use the last six weeks of summer to "bring the fun back into scrapbooking." As a result of feeling overwhelmed with too many choices every time I get an inkling to create a page, I have decided to pursue an experiment of sorts and limit my choices in products, photos, inspiration and time. I've put parameters on these four resources, and I'm hopeful that my self-imposed limits will create greater satisfaction.

*Use only photos that I already have printed.
Printing photos is the biggest drag. I hate doing it. Getting photos into my hands involves hours and even days of time and effort. It is a HUGE stumbling block for me, and I have failed at Project Life for about four years running now because there is no way that I can stay current with the photos. So, for the next six weeks, I'm abandoning this roadblock completely and mandating for myself that I NOT print any photos. Fortunately, thanks to a Library of Memories class by Stacy Julian that I took years ago, I have a few scattered years worth of printed photos slotted chronologically into photo sleeve protectors, which will make accessing available photos in context a breeze. (Note to self: share this concept in a blog post someday, as it was a photo-organization game-change concept for me. Now, if only I could get caught up...)

*Use only products that I already have in my stash.
This probably doesn't need a lot of explanation. I have an enormous scrapbooking stash, and I truly do LOVE almost everything in my stash. Oh, I go through stages from time to time and buy too much of something (mostly technique-stuff that I'll never take the time to use), but as a general rule, I have a stash of great TSR perfectly-proportioned layout kits. Using kits naturally increases my productivity and satisfaction, so these kits will be the base of my layouts.

Use only (7) different sketches as layout inspiration.
Okay, I know this one might be a little too limiting for some of you, but I am hopeful that it will be exactly what I need to bring back some of the fun. I am continuously inspired by the hundreds of beautifully designed scrapbook pages that I see daily. I have 3-ring binders full of sketches and Recipe Cards and layout ideas cut from magazines. I have multiple scrapbooking Pinterest boards full of layouts pulled from the internet. I am drowning in ideas; it's too much! I absolutely must limit my design options for faster decision-making. During the next 6 weeks, I will be limiting myself to 7 layout sketches (5-one-pagers and 2-two-pagers), along with 3 card sketches to use up leftovers. Instead of taking hours, it will now only take me about 30 seconds to decide which sketch will work best with my photos and papers.

Download my 7 Layout Sketches and 3 Card Sketches HERE.

Note: If I find that I get completely sick of one of my sketches or don't end up loving it, I do reserve the right to throw it out and replace it with another sketch.

Select a specific 70-minute time slot to work on this project 5 days each week. Set a timer.
Time is a valuable commodity, and I have enough life experience to know that I must intentionally carve out time to do some things that make me happy and energize me or that time will be spent doing other, less valuable things (like surfing the web or watching TV). My preferred time slot is 6:00-7:10 am during the week (until school starts), but I am totally reserving the right to adjust that time slot on any given day. I'll be setting a timer for 70 minutes (which should give me 60 minutes of productive scrappin' time), and I'll be walking away as soon as the timer goes off. Part of this experiment for me is to see what I can get done in just five hours each week. By limiting my options for faster decision-making, I am hopeful that just 5 hours each week will still yield a lot of layouts!

And there you have it! If you are joining me, please feel free to set your own parameters to meet your needs. My parameters address my personal challenges and roadblocks. I would really love to hear if anyone else is going to take this "limiting approach" to scrapbooking and if so, how it goes. Please feel free to join the ongoing conversation on our Facebook page. I will be posting my layouts there (via quick-and-easy iphone photos and an easy uploading app.)


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