
Friday, March 8, 2013

Weekly Planner with Theresa

Did you notice that there's a piece of planner paper in the Elle's Studio Day to Day kit?  My ultra-nerdy inner planner absolutely squealed when I pulled this out of my TSR box:
Elle's Studio Day to Day:  Schedule
I set it aside.  And planned to pick up a white frame the next time I was out.  This baby was going on my wall!!!

Here's how it turned out - and I loved how I could sketch out my week ahead of time.  Perfect timing, as the week I got my paper was a week I spent at home.  Turns out I can't really handle a lot of unstructured free time.  LOL  This saved my sanity and kept my marriage together, I'm sure!

Want to make one too?  Easy peasy... just grab a 12x12 frame the next time you're out, and maybe some clips (if you don't have something in your stash that you can use).
Attach the clips to the bottom of the frame with short screws.  Making pilot holes is a pain, but it really does make a difference. 
Find some large brads and trim the ends off - just short enough that you can't see them when the brad is attached to the clip.
All my brads are trimmed and ready to be attached to the clips!
Brads attached.  Serves no purpose other than being pretty.  But that's good enough for me!
I write on the glass with a Sharpie and wipe it off with a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol.  You could use dry erase markers or water-soluble markers, too.  I just like that a random boybarian can't easily erase letters and make naughty words on my schedule.  *grin*
- Theresa/Savi

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