
Monday, August 13, 2012

August Page Starter!!!

For the August Page Starter, I decided to work outside my box a little.  To try something a little different.  So I created an asymmetrical grid layout.  This one will be perfect for using up some scraps.  

Ready to Roll

Here's what you'll need to get started.  First, you need a sheet of cardstock. You'll need three 3.5" x 3.5" squares cut from three different patterned papers. You will also need a .75" x 12" strip and a .25" x 12" strip, both from different patterns.

Now you're ready to start adhering the paper to the page.  Here is how I placed mine.
  1. Adhere the first block 1" from the right edge and 2" from the top edge of the cardstock.
  2. Adhere the second block 1/8th of an inch to the left of the first block and the third block 1/8" below the first block.
  3. Adhere the two 12" strips flush with the left edge of the cardstock.
Finally, you will add your photos and embellishments.  This part is completely up to you.  There is no set limit to the number of photos or no set placement for them.  Also, you can use whatever embellishments you like, wherever you want to place them on the layout.  

And since I was at a crop in the middle of the pouring rain when I worked on these layouts, I didn't take any pictures of the Page Starters before the photos and embellishments.  So, I'm going to go ahead and share my second take with you today.  For this one, I kept everything pretty much the same except for the orientation of the photo and the placement of the journal strips.


I'd love to see what you do with the August Page Starter.  Link up your completed layout to the bottom of this post by Friday, August 31st for your chance at a $10 Gift Certificate to the TSR Store.  

Happy Scrappin!


  1. Gorgeous Aphra! I was going to lift your layout so now it will count as the page starter!!

  2. I did this one as a lift the other soon as you had posted the idea it really shouldn't count for this...but I wanted to post and tell you I WILL USE THIS PAGE STARTER AGAIN AND AGAIN!! So easy, so quick, so versatile!! I love that I was able to add more pictures to it so easily! THANKS!!!

  3. Love your examples for this, Aphra!

    Added my link!

  4. I am learning to enjoy grid designs on layouts! Thank you for this challenge. I loved your examples!

  5. Nice and simple design, and great way to use those kit patterned papers! Thanks so much for the inspiration. :)
