
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Melanie's Christmas Traditions!

Each year I always try to get a family picture in front of our tree. It has become a bit more challenging as the boys like to try and run away or be silly. We are still working on this year's photo :) I made this layout with my photo from 2010.

My boys' favorite tradition is their Chocolate Advent Calendars and the Lego Advent Calendars. Each morning they run to the kitchen to open them up. Yes...they get to eat the chocolate before breakfast...they love it!

One of my favorite decoration is our Little People Nativity Set. I love to watch the boys play with the set and act out the Christmas Story. I also have a very nice Willow Nativity set, but I have not put it out this year since my boys like to touch it too much...maybe next year :)

Christmas Eve dinner with my Dad's side is always lasagna Grandma used to make homemade noodles! I can't imagine how long it would take her, since multiple pans of lasagna are needed for 6 kids, spouses, grandchildren, and now great grandchildren. We always have pizzelle cookies and often cannoli too...yum!

Ours is always full of Italian Sausage too.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


  1. Love your post Melanie! It put a cheer booster back into the holidays for me. I forgot Advent calendars I am grab 2 next year. I can't wait for lasanga too my sisters birthday is Christmas Eve and we have that and carrot cake mmmmm!

  2. Thanks for sharing your Christmas traditions Melanie! Happy Holidays to you & yours!

  3. We have both those Lego advent calendars in our house too!
