
Thursday, March 3, 2011

TSR Comedy Hour!!!

Ok, an hour is an exaggeration, but 12.51 minutes to be exact! I bet you didn't know that there was a celebrity on the TSR Design Team did ya? Well, there is. And it is me...Frances!! Shocking, I know. And I am making my on-screen debut today via You Tube in track pants and t-shirt...don't judge I am a mommy of 4!! Every month I am planning on giving you a peek inside the monthly box on reveal day...pretty cool, right? Well, before you answer let me just say that we all have to start somewhere, and this video was my starting point. I really toyed with the idea of trashing it and starting anew next month, but we all need a good laugh, right? I take my job here as DT Coordinator seriously. Yep, I am willing to take one for the team and teach all of you unsuspecting folks what NOT to do when making a video of yourself chatting about scrapbook products. So grab your cup of Joe(you will need it to keep you awake), and behold my sorta-masterpiece...

HEY!!! Wake-up!!!! The show is over!

Ok, before you start critiquing my work, let me let you in on my TOP 5 issues that I have with my video. I am also letting you in on the imperfections, like they are not evident, because I want to only hear positivity in the overwhelming amount of comments I am about to receive. Ok? Brace yourself...

#1. I am from Louisiana, and I am proud of it! Well, kinda. I know I sound like I am from the sticks...I can't help it! I AM!! But really I am educated...a MA in Education for heavens sake! It just doesn't sound like it.

#2. The background noise that I felt I needed to bring to your attention was my kiddos having lunch. There are 4 of them little boogers running around that house, and it is tough to get them to keep the noise level down. Next tape! Problem solved.

#3. My attire. Yes, I realize, after the fact, that you can see my terrible outfit of bleach stained track pants and a baseball t-shirt. I thought that I could crop that out, or something fancy like that, but I am lacking those kind of video editing skills at the moment.

#4. It's LOOOOONNNNGGGGG! I know...I'm windy. What can I say? It was actually 25 minutes in the beginning, but it cut it down to 12.51 minutes. Uh-huh, I cut it down all by myself! Whoot! Whoot! I will work on that...promise.

#5. The word "um." I use it a lot...never realized that one! I am going to change it just for you guys. Instead of "um" next month, I vow to use the word "like." See, if I use the word "like," I won't be using the word "um" and it could possibly make me sound like a 90's chick from the West Coast, right? #1 and #5 problem solved....I am only thinking of you ladies! ;)

Well there you have it! You can expect perfection next month ladies...I have learned my lesson! Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the winner of the blog hop and another BIG announcement!!! Tootles and remember ONLY positive comments! ;)


  1. Lots of great goodies in there!! Really pretty papers! Great kits this month!!

  2. Thanks for the tour! Anxious to get this month's kit and all those goodies!! Great job Frances!!

  3. Oh fer funny! (imagine MN accent) I haven't seen the video yet (I'm sneaking at work) but now I really can't wait!!!!!!

  4. Great video -- I liked how you showed all the add-ons kits. As someone who gets them all, I liked getting the preview.

    And I didn't notice like 4 of your 5 things!

    Next time, can we get the youtube link to it? I was having issues stopping it and had to restart from the beginning several times because my attention was dragged away.


  5. Oops "Fort Lee" is me -- Apparently, still logged into work stuff!

  6. Thanks for the peek. You sound just like me!!! Nice and southern.

  7. oh frances! you did a great job on the vid. i have no bad critique ata ll!

  8. Oh, Frances, I loved it! Great idea, and thank you! Please do this again next month!!! (P.S. I'm a sucker for an accent, any accent.)

  9. that was wonderful cant wait to getnmy hands on this kit !u did sn amazing job i like you!

  10. Well, Miss Movie Star you! LOVED it . . . um's, track pants, noisy kiddos, and all! Mwah!

  11. You did an awesome job. I loved every minute of the reveal! I'm even more excited to get my kit.

  12. Frances thank you so much for doing that! It was just fantastic and so much fun to see a bit of your scrap space. Love your pink ATG!!! And I LOVE your accent. I'd love to chat with you one day - I could listen to your voice all day!!!

  13. I really liked this month's video! It would be neat to see more videos from you, maybe with some layouts you've done of the kit. Very inspiring. After I watched it, I scrambled to email Tammy and get the embellishment kit add-on and the stamp. :-)

  14. Loved the video Frances, your accent is so cute. :)

  15. Fabulous video! I like how you showed everything in the kits!
    Your manicure is fantastic too...I wish I had long nails too :)
