
Saturday, November 27, 2010

December Sneak Peek Week: Day #4

Day #4 of December Sneak Peek Week brings us a completely different look with the new Girls' Paperie Christmas line. (Don't you just LOVE getting four different lines in one kit!) Barista, Melanie Call, used my favorite patchwork paper for her background in this beautiful layout - quick and easy! So, plan to take a nice family photo this Christmas; you'll now have the perfect background paper to frame it!


  1. Just love this LO - what a lovely photo! I think I'm going to need the pp add-on this month as well!

  2. Beautiful! Looks like some great embellishments are going to be featured this month, as well!!

  3. Love how you used this kit Melanie. Great family photo.

  4. OMG! shut up! this is too cute! the bg paper is to die for! thanx for the peek.
